luni, 7 decembrie 2009


O invitaţie la Institutul Român
pentru Drepturile Omului

European Social Charter and the European social model

Prof. Dr. Irina Moroianu Zlătescu
Quarterly "Drepturile omului" - Summaries
Referring to the social developments in the context of the global economic
crisis, the author examines the European Social Charter and other Council of Europe
treaties with regard to the continental social model.
Ample space is devoted to the European Social Charter revised and its
monitoring and control mechanisms and procedures after ten years since it became
In this respect, she analyses the status of the various social rights in Romania,
in its capacity as State party, since 1999, to the European Social Charter revised; at
the same time, she analyses the commitments Romania assumed by ratifying, in 2009,
the European Code of Social Security, as well as in its capacity as State party to ILO's
Convention No. 102.
In conclusion, she points out the need to identify solutions capable to adjust
the protection of social rights to the latest developments, avoid deviations and prevent
effects highly affecting social cohesion and democratic stability.

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